Alongside understanding your values, ideals and lifestyle, the following aspects of our search ensure excellence in experience and results.

Nanny screening process

Multi step interview process

By the time a candidate’s bio is in your inbox, they have already undergone a minimum of two interviews by us. This ensures that we get to know individuals closely before assessing their potential fit in your home.

Scrupulous reference checks

Deep-scale reference checks completed by US (agencies frequently outsource this— an unsafe and unprofessional practice).

Security & background checks

We utilize private investigators, AKA real people who go into the physical courthouses of every county a nanny has resided in the last 7-10 years; the most accurate and thorough way of checking the criminal history of a prospective nanny.

2. Pairing & placement

A sincerely personalized approach saves you time

Each nanny search that we conduct is personalized to your family’s values and lifestyle. Candidates are curated and presented for your consideration based on such criteria.

Unlimited options

There is no limit to the number of prospects; we will continue to search for and screen candidates until you are confident that you have met “the one.”

Interviews coordinated for you

Initial interview between family and nanny is typically via Zoom. If that goes well, an in-person trial will be scheduled (up to one week in length) to ensure good fit. We will take care of scheduling details between both parties, so the entire process is stress-free

Interview questions prepared for you

We make nanny interviews simple by providing you with a list of possible questions that would be helpful to ask, compiled specifically for your family.

3. Ensuring exceptional

Work agreement

Our infamous Work Agreement has evolved over the past eight years to address anything we see arise in a home that can be generalized to most families. The document is yours to do what you wish with. Our intention in providing it is to support you in laying out all aspects of the job from the start, supporting a long and positive nanny-family relationship.

Confidentiality agreement

Our confidentiality agreement assures your family the level of discretion you expect, and ensures peace of mind.

Red Cross training

All nannies and families have the option to undergo private, in-home training in pediatric and adult CPR by a certified Red Cross instructor. This is at no additional cost to you.

Personalized education

Select from a range of online courses that Nannease recommends, in a subject that you feel best suits your family (childhood nutrition, fitness, positive reinforcement, etc.). Education is a priority to us, and so the cost of one online course for your new nanny is covered by Nannease.

4. Ongoing support

Replacement guarantee

If at any point in the first six months of your new nanny’s employment you decide they are not the right fit after all, Nannease finds you a new nanny, at no additional cost.

Ongoing support

We are here for you anytime you have questions that may arise during the course of your nanny’s employment.

5. P.S.


A percentage of all Nannease profits go to an organization that supports children and families. At this time, we are donating to Family Promise of Morris County.

Register. Exhale.

We will take it from here.